Wednesday, March 24, 2010

STUCK! (I think my brain is blocked!)

Woefully, it appears that even those of us who work in bookstores, surrounded by thoughts, ideas, and inspirations, are occasionally stuck.  I can't believe I've come to the end of my week here and I haven't thought of anything to blog about.  Wandering around the store, my eyes flitting across the covers, I finally stumbled across something that described how I'm feeling perfectly: Stuck: Why We Can't (or Won't) Move On by Anneli Rufus.  Oh how I desire change, and yet fear it.  The book examines the things people get "stuck" on, why they get stuck, and what moves them on.  In this case, the title alone stirred an idea in my brain, and I went in search of more inspiration.
(ISBN 1-58542-776-4  $15.95)

Moving across the store, I espied Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott. Apart from its ability to inspire me to write, it is a wonderful book that entertains.  I always enjoy sitting down with Lamott's books, and this one was my gateway drug.  The book taught me about her, and felt as much like a guide to life as a guide to writing.  Most importantly, it convinced me of the power of, well, let's call them "icky" first drafts: Sometimes you just need to get your thoughts down on paper without editing.  (She has a new novel coming out next month, continuing the story of my beloved fictional friends Elizabeth and Rosie.  I'm sure I'll be talking more about it soon!)
(ISBN 0-385-48001-6  $15.00)

Sometimes, however, a solution to my writer's block is demanded right now.  For that there's Magnetic Poetry's "Writer's Remedy."  Sometimes you just need to take what's in front of you and shove it around a little bit.  Magnetic poetry is also a great way to communicate with the ones you live with and just don't see often enough.  You can leave mysterious messages on the refrigerator and see if anyone else can figure out your thought.  Good times. ($14.95)

With all of this at my fingertips, surely I can come up with something to blog about.  Oh wait--I guess I just did.  Ta-da!

See you at the bookstore,

1 comment:

  1. We had to buy two sets of magnetic poetry just to accommodate all of the communication in our house.
